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EN點(diǎn)擊數(shù):5392022-04-26 14:58:45 來源: 干燥劑廠家 廣東佛山集裝箱氯化鈣干燥劑 礦物硅膠貨柜防潮劑-佛山市圣力嘉包裝材料有限公司
The spring filled April is coming to an end, ushering in the May Day International Labor Day. According to relevant national regulations and considering the actual production situation of the company, Sailguard now arranges the May Day holiday as follows:
From May 1 to May 5, the holiday lasts for 5 days.
Orders are normally received during the holiday and officially go to work on Tuesday, May 6.
Please order desiccant according to your inventory. Thank you for your support and trust in our work! Our company will always produce desiccant with high standards and high requirements! I wish you well in advance
happy International Workers ' Day!